- Speak to the headteacher, other senior staff
- Join the Parent Associations
- Become a parent governor/co-opted governor – https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/schools/school-governors/
- Speak/ write to school governors –contact the school office for details of them. Always keep an email trail.
5. Attend Education Scrutiny Panel meetings-
This Panel is established by the People Scrutiny Committee and has a key role in scrutinising the appropriateness and effectiveness of the strategies and policies relating to education matters.
Find dates and details here – http://moderngov.redbridge.gov.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=694
Venue: Usually held at Town Hall, virtual due to Covid
Contact: Kalbinder Benning, Scrutiny Officer
Telephone: 020 708 2465
6.Meet with local Councilors – http://moderngov.redbridge.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx
- Redbridge is divided into 22 wards with 3 elected councillors for 19 wards and 2 councillors for 3 wards, making 63 councillors in total.
- Councillor surgeries also known as ward surgeries are held in various locations throughout Redbridge, these surgeries are for you to ask your local councillor about issues concerning your local area. This could include issues with RSE.
- Find dates and details here – http://moderngov.redbridge.gov.uk/mgFindMember.aspx
- Check what ward you live in https://my.redbridge.gov.uk/Map/wards
7. Write to your local MP or a relevant government Minister
- There are 4 Members of Parliament representing constituencies within Redbridge, each MP serves in the House of Commons, representing his or her constituency.
- Find their email and constituencies they represent here, – https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/about-the-council/councillors-and-mps/
You can write to all the MPs at:
House of Commons
How to write to an MP
- Make it VERY clear that you are one of their constituents – by including an address and postcode, unless -you are writing to an MP because of their position in government, rather than because they are your representative.
- You can find information on every UK MP’s position, debate contributions and voting record on key issues, how active they are, and any business interests they have on the website They Work For You
- Most MPs also hold regular “surgeries” where they deal with their constituents’ problems. You could go along to one, if you have a pressing issue. You can find out about surgery times, dates and locations on MPs’ websites – check the https://members.parliament.uk/members/commons
- You can also write to the relevant Secretary of State and Ministers for a policy area. For education, these are currently:
Gillian Keegan, Secretary of State for Education – responsible for the work of the Department for Education, including: the school curriculum, early years, further education among others.
DFE Regional Director for London – Claire Burton is responsible for working locally across children’s social care, SEND, schools and area-based programmes to improve outcomes for children, families and learners. RG.LONDON@EDUCATION.GOV.UK.
8.Local press
A letter to the editor is the easiest way to get in.
9.Places of worship
Speak to your faith leaders so that they address their congregants and raise awareness and request that they represent you in faith consultations.